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Combining Email and SMS Marketing for Effective WordPress Plugin Promotions

Combining Email and SMS Marketing for Effective WordPress Plugin Promotions

Creating a good WordPress plugin is half the battle, and well, marketing is the other half.

There are many ways to promote your WordPress plugin, but email marketing is one of the most effective. People are three times more likely to buy from email marketing than from social media.

And if you want to step this number up, combining email with SMS marketing is the way to go. An impressive 91% of marketers and business owners say that they have higher conversions with marketing strategies that include SMS.

So, if you’re looking to promote your WordPress plugin with email and SMS marketing, we’ve put together a guide to help you get started.

How to Promote WordPress Plugins with Email and SMS Marketing

Numbers don’t lie. And these numbers show that to stand out among the best WordPress plugins and drive sales, you need to implement an email and SMS marketing campaign.

But the question is, how?

We’ve got you. Take these four steps to get started:

1. Design a Landing Page or Pop-Up Form

Before you can send email and SMS campaigns to a group of people, they need to give you their emails and phone numbers.

This is where a landing page or pop-up form comes in.

Email and SMS marketing platforms like Omnisend come with landing page and pop-up form builders. If you don’t have a website, building a landing page is best. Here are some key elements to include in your landing page:

But if you already have a website with all these landing page elements, you might want to build a pop-up form instead. It’s basically a sign-up form that pops up when visitors land on your website.

2. Drive Traffic to Your Landing Page

To get visitors to your landing page, you need to actively share it with interested users. Thankfully, there are many ways to drive traffic to your landing page — for free! And if you’ve got some money on hand, you can invest in a few paid channels too.

Here are some options to consider:

3. Build an Email and SMS Content Plan

While this is the third step on the list, it should probably be the first thing you do before designing a landing page. Because if users sign up to your mailing list and all they hear is crickets, they’ll quickly forget about you and move on with their lives.

So before they come in, you should be prepared with a few content pieces to share with them. The easiest way to do this is to start with a welcome message that thanks them for subscribing. You can follow this up with email messages that share product tips, feature releases, and product surveys. And for shorter, time-sensitive messages like discounts and site announcements, you can share them via SMS.

4. Track the Performance of Your Campaigns

Regularly test different aspects of your campaigns, such as subject lines, message content, and send times. You can also experiment with content topics to see which performs best on what platforms. Or maybe, if you get higher conversions by repurposing email content for SMS, and vice versa.

Analyze the performance data to understand what works best for your audience and refine your strategies accordingly.


Unless your WordPress plugin is a passion project, you need to promote it to boost its visibility, downloads, and purchases. And as we’ve seen, email and SMS marketing are powerful channels that’ll help you achieve this goal. We’ve given you the scoop on what you need to get started. So now, it’s over to you. All the best…and happy marketing!

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