Quizzes are the fastest-growing online tools for entertainment, education, and even marketing. Quizzes are considered to be interactive content. Many corporations use them s an inseparable tactic of lead generation, engagement, and as a tool for forming customer-orientated content.
It seems as if quizzes perform in an excellent way nearly in any field. Educational Quizzes motivate students to learn by giving a personalized approach and constant feedback. As for lecturers, quizzes are the most reliable way to prevent students from cheating or managing time.
What’s most important is checking. No need to spend hours on papers, filling them with red marks left and right. The entertaining purposes of Quizzes are so many I will not even start naming them.
Now is everything really that simple? The answer is YES! But only, if you gain appropriate skills and use appropriate tools.
What Skills Do You Need to Create an Amazing Online Quiz
There are thousands of quizzes flooding the internet. However, not all of those quizzes go viral or follow the marketing purpose they were set for. If you make a quiz that is for your brand and not for entertainment purposes, then you gotta make it fit your website just like a glove.
Customer satisfaction quizzes for your brand’s improvement must be fully personalized and customer orientated. All the mentioned questions must concern your customer, and each of the answers must provide a solution. For entertaining purposes, I can bring up the most vivid example; BuzzFeed Quizzes.
These quizzes are the equivalent of engagement, lead generation, and promotion. Here nothing really matters, except you need to be exceptionally creative and bring forward results that will excite the quiz takers and encourage them to share them. Those results are the start of a chain formed by people sharing the quiz with each other.
To sum up, the info about needed skills let’s say
- Write in clear English
- Use challenging and intriguing titles
- Keep it short and sweet
- Visualize it with fun and corresponding pictures
What about the tool? Using the proper tool for quiz making is like icing on the cake! Turned out as a quote, but really, imagine you have the most creative ideas and the tool or the plugin that you are using doesn’t have functionalities providing full support. All of it will be a waste of time energy and money, given that many plugins have only pro versions.
Important Plugin Functionalities for Quiz Making
- Questions Functions
Let’s start with the questions! Any tool that you use must give you as much freedom as possible. The word “freedom” for quiz making covers the ability to make unlimited questions with unlimited answers, question types, several ways of managing/calculating the results, and many more.
It is very important to make the questions interactive, hence having functionality that would let you design instant feedback messages, question explanations, or corrections is an essential thing. I wonder whether you ever made a quiz with 20+ questions of different categories and couldn’t group them after?
I have, and for a long time I struggled with different plugins that didn’t offer functionality such as “Categorizing questions”. Lucky for me, I found a plugin that doesn’t only offer that but all the above-mentioned tools.
- Quiz Functions
To intrigue you a bit I also want us to speak about the actual quiz making before mentioning a tool that is a fully supporting alternative to BuzzFeed quiz makers and other plugins. The quiz-making process can be tricky sometimes. Find a tool that is super user-centric.
It is important for the creators to put effort into the intangibility of the functionalities, after all, you don’t have to be an expert quiz maker. Hint icons in each functionality would be a great idea for any plugin. The visual aspect of anything around us plays a major role in our liking, and quizzes are no different.
Hence, we need a plugin that is backing our vision; Text style and colors, parameters, button styles, images, etc. In 2022 we do not carry laptops everywhere I go because most of our phones have the capacity to carry needed files, moreover they are just easily portable. So what makes your quiz even more amazing is that it’s mobile-friendly. And for the result, the minimum that any plugin must offer is a passed/failed massage, and a result massage with score name, etc.
I’m 100% positive that these functionalities in one remind you of a Magic Man or Miss Perfect. While Magic Man and Miss Perfect probably don’t exist a plugin with Magic Box exists. Quiz Maker plugin is currently the top WordPress quiz plugin with 10.000+ active installations and up-to-date content.
The tools that I mentioned are from the plugin’s free version which makes it too good to be true. Further, in the article, we will create an example quiz, however, before installing the plugin you can check out its Free Demo Version, and if you are looking for more advanced and professional quizzes check out the Pro Demo Version as well.
Let’s Work the Magic
First, install the plugin, if you have stuck with Quiz Maker just like me, search “Quiz Maker” in the plugins section. download and activate the plugin, and it will appear on your dashboard.
- Questions Making
First, you got to make the questions, so click on the questions “Add New” and in the general section, you can see all the fields that need to be filled in.
The question type of the quiz is very individual, I would rather you make use of the “Adding Image” functionality, to make the users’ experience more vivid.
Do not forget to check the correct answer. In the questions settings section, you can customize a massage for right or wrong answers. When you are done, either “save and close” or “save and new” the questions.
- Quiz Making
Go to “Quizzes” from the dashboard, click on “Add new” and follow the simple steps taking you to the amazing online quiz. Give a short and sweet title, and describe the content of your quiz if necessary. “Add questions” will help you insert the pre-made questions, and here categorizing your questions will help you find the needed group in seconds.
The “Settings” section can help you with functionalities that might seem irrelevant at first but are important for the user. For example, Randomising questions and answers will help you make the quiz challenging even during the second take.
It is always better to show the question numbering and progress, using the “Enable live progress bar” functionality is a solid solution. Have you ever heard of a “keyword-friendly” quiz, if not I totally understand! I just made that term out for such Quiz Maker functionalities as “Enable going next by pressing Enter key”.
The “Styles” section is the most customizable tool EVER! It feels like the principle behind this tool was “Details always Matter”, as you can even customize the buttons.
If you want to show the customized right or wrong messages do not forget to tick the “Show messages for right/wrong answers ” button. And for the “Result Settings,” you can choose to display the score either by percentage or by weight points.
To Wrap Up
Involving quizzes into your marketing strategies is a WIN-WIN! But you need to do some research on the most searchable quizzes and hot topics, your customer’s needs can also be a strong niche.
After the niche comes the style of your quiz, always brand it and make it correspond to your brand, and best for the last, THE TOOL! All the mentioned ones are your soft skills and the plugin you are using is a hard skill.
Find a plugin that is full of amazing features, and doesn’t waste your money, actually doesn’t require any money, to put it even more simple that is FREE. Just like I did!
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