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Top 7 Plugins to Improve the Loading Speed of Your WordPress Website

Loading Speed

Website loading speed matters a lot when you expect your site to perform well in terms of placement in search engine rankings, visitors count, downloading of E-products, generation of leads & sales, visitor engagement with your brand, readability of the site’s content, etc. When visitors try to access a website, they expect it or its pages to load quickly on their devices. If your website is slow, there are chances that they will stop browsing the site and seek its alternative.

There are various factors that make your site slow, such as unoptimized images, JavaScript issues, excessive HTTP requests, unclean code, too many ads, bad hosting service, heavy website structure, etc. You can deal with all these issues and make your site fast by using some effective tips.

Have a Look at Top 7 WordPress Plugins to Improve Loading Speed

The same holds true in the case of WordPress websites. Fortunately, there are several WordPress plugins that help you a lot to make your site super fast.

Speed Booster Pack

Speed Booster Pack is one of the most popular plugins used by all those admins and site owners who look for easy ways to make their websites faster. It is a well-maintained, well-supported, easy- to-use, frequently updated, and a lightweight plugin that moves scripts to the footer.

It loads JavaScript files from Google Libraries, which eliminates latency, improves caching, and improves parallelism up to a great extent. This also removes query strings from static resources and cleans junk header tags off from your WordPress Header, which improves your site’s speed scores greatly.

ShortPixel Image Optimizer

These days, images are widely used by website owners to attract a large number of visitors. Help them understand the text content easily and quickly and generate leads in quick succession. But, too many unoptimized images can make your site sluggish and frustrate users, eroding your web-based business little by little.

To do away with this hassle and automate the process of image optimization, you can use ShortPixel Image Optimizer plugin. It automatically optimizes the uploaded images on your site and performs lossy and lossless compression. It doesn’t deteriorate the quality of images while optimization them. All these make your site load super fast on all devices.

Debug Bar

When you run a website and make full use of it for meeting your business objects. Sooner or later, you run into the need of debugging your site to make it faster and help it works properly. When you use the Debug Bar plugin, It integrates extra debugging features to your site. Which allows you to troubleshoot information easily on any page, such as tracking chunks of your Object Cache. Info about your HTTP Request and Rewrite Info. Calls to WP Query, SQL queries made on your page. PHP errors, usage of deprecated functions, etc.

It is a helpful plugin for WordPress developers who have to test websites in different environments and ensure that they are fast and working properly.

WP Fastest Cache

When you run a fully-fledged WordPress site which gets lots of traffic, it becomes mandatory for you to use the caching tools to keep your site’s loading speed faster. When too many visitors try to access your site. It results in excessive HPPS requests to the site’s server, making it slow up to a great extent.

To get out of this mess and allow all visitors to visit your site easily and quickly, you should use the WP Fastest Cache plugin. It creates static HTML files from your site and display results to users quickly based on their previous entries. It may reduce the total number of HTTPs request to your site’s server. Making your website load faster on all devices within a few seconds.

WP Super Minify

When a website is evolved, developers use messy coding practices to create the desired web pages as per the demands of their customers/clients. However, the use of messy code can make your site slow up to a great extent as search engines have to toil a lot to understand the long and messy code and rank it accordingly.

To sort out this problem, you can use WP super Minify plugin. It combines, minifies, and caches inline JavaScript and CSS files with the help of Minify PHP Framework and makes your site load quickly.


The WP-Optimize is an important WordPress plugin used by several WordPress bloggers and website owners. It helps you to keep your website neat and clean and make it faster. It cleans all unnecessary database strings automatically and optimizes your database without entering manual queries. All these contribute to improve the site loading speed and help visitors browse your site or its pages swiftly on all devices.

BJ Lazy Load

Lazy loading of images is a great way to make your site faster. When you use BJ Lazy Load plugin on your WordPress site, it makes it faster by loading images and iframes only when visitors click on them. Thus, the server doesn’t need to load the whole site instantly and show the desired (by visitors) part only in a quick succession.

Final Words

Website loading speed can make or mar your web-based business. Faster websites cultivate more business opportunities compared to their slower counterparts. You can make your WordPress site super fast by using the above-mentioned plugins.

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