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How to Launch an Ecommerce Store and Keep Costs Low


Launching your own online business has become cheaper and more accessible than ever before. Easy-to-use online environments make creating your store simple, whatever your web design or business experience may be. Website themes and tools make your job a lot easier — giving customers a better website experience, without the need for months of expensive development work.

With just a little bit of care and attention, you can create excellent content for your domain and social media. Customer engagement is about commitment, not cost.  You can set up a successful e-commerce store online with a tight budget if you plan, scale, and know how to do things on the cheap — and here’s how…

Ruthless Planning and Budgeting

Saving money starts with tracking money.

Don’t launch without a financial plan: and that means you need a budget. Budgeting will ensure you don’t spend money that you don’t have — it will force you to keep outgoings to an absolute minimum. It’s almost too easy to get caught up in Upwork fees and subscription costs — be ruthless and cull expenses to become a genuine bootstrapper.

Pick Your Online Platform Based on Audience

There are lots of different options out there when it comes to picking what platform you want to use for sales. Consider carefully where your customers are likely to be, and what their purchase habits are. Simply going for the option, you find the easiest won’t be a smart move unless it’s the one your customers prefer too.

To make money fast, you need to deliver an environment that draws shoppers in. If you already have a successful website with good traffic, capitalize on this by driving traffic to your new store (or build it on the same domain).

Your sales platform needs to be sustainable. It needs to be something that you will find easy to market and manage. Don’t spread yourself too thin too soon.

Learn Things Yourself and Be Smart About Outsourcing

To keep costs as low as possible, learn to do as much as you can by yourself. Outsourcing is great, but costs quickly mount up if you don’t know enough to keep freelancers in check. Empower yourself with e-commerce knowledge by watching online videos and webinars, and take some free courses in marketing and SEO.

Choose a Low-Cost Fulfilment Solution

Another challenging aspect of setting up your e-commerce store will be your fulfillment arrangements. Storage, packaging, and postage can quickly add up (especially for the uninitiated); be careful with cash flow as you start as you don’t want to ruin your margins dealing with order fulfillment and suppliers.

Stick to a solid business plan and learn things for yourself to help you save even more money — be committed to your cause.  Hard work is what separates successful entrepreneurs from the rest. What steps will you take to keep your start-up costs to a minimum?

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