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Cisco 300-101 Exam Dumps as a Good Addition to Your Preparation for New CCNP Enterprise Certification

Cisco 300-101 exam dumps

Cisco is one of the biggest networking companies in the world that has its own certification program. One of the most sought-after credentials that the organization has been offering was known as CCNP Routing and Switching. Unfortunately, due to the huge recent changes that Cisco made in February, it is not available any more after the appearance of the new paths. However, this certificate gave a lot of people a good enhancement, and it still affects many professionals in their job. That is why we think that it will be a good addition to your current preparation if you are going to obtain CCNP Enterprise. So, let’s see the details that may help you and discuss them.

Prerequisites of CCNP Routing and Switching and CCNP Enterprise

To earn the CCNP R&Scredential, you had to take three exams: 300-101, 300-115, and 300-135. All of them have their own sectors to cover. And, in this article, we will just focus on the Cisco 300‑101 ROUTEtest. It was not the easiest exam because you should have some underlying networking knowledge. It was required to have valid CCNA Routing and Switching or one of the CCIE certifications.

So, as you can see, to get this badge, you should pass three exams that have three different main areas to learn. Now, to be eligible for the Cisco CCNP Enterprise certificate, you have to take the core test covering the basic professional skills and choose one concentration exam to get in-depth knowledge in one of the six additional domains.

Differences between old and New Cisco Professional Levels

There are so many things that you need to know, but one of the most vital facts is the exam pattern. It has changed a bit after the grand transformation of the Cisco certification program.

The most similar test to 300-101 ROUTE is Cisco CCNA, CCNP,  CCIE 200-301 300-410 ENARSI – 300-415 ENSDWI – 300-425 ENWLSD Oracle VCE Certification. Thus, by comparing the old exam with the new one, we can see a lot of differences. Let’s look at them in detail.

Cisco 300-101 was 120 minutes long, and during this time, the candidates had to answer 45 to 65 questions. There were six main topics that are part of the exam, and they are as follows:

In the new version, Cisco decided not to mention the exact number of questions that you may encounter. So, you can only know that you will have 90 minutes to pass the test. And the upgraded topics don’t have the section about Layer 2 technologies and network principles but offer you to learn about infrastructure automation.

As you can see, the changes are prominent. So, what is the point of adding this information to your head, you may ask? You cannot deny the fact that both versions have similar objectives. By looking at some old materials for Cisco 300-101, you can find a lot of useful details that are still relevant.

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So, let’s look at the options that we can offer you for your consideration.

Exam Dumps from PrepAway as a Good Booster for Your Preparation

The first thing Cisco has done is to remove all the links to preparation resources. Of course, you may still find some of them in the Internet archives, because what goes online stays online forever. But if you don’t want to waste your time, you can just visit PrepAway. You may have already heard about this website or even used it for other certification exams. This is one of the best training platforms where you can find various tools that are verified by the experts in the IT industry.

Talking about Cisco 300-101, you will find a list of free braindumps that you can use for your preparation. You can even add it to the premium questions and answers for Cisco 300-410. These ETE files can be opened with the exam simulator that you can also download from PrepAway.

Benefits of Using Exam Dumps from PrepAway

No matter who you talk to, they will tell you the same thing that practice questions are very important if you want to pass any Cisco certification exam. This tool represents the previous versions of questions that have made an appearance in the past tests. So, it should give you an idea of what kind of questions you can expect in your actual exam.

There is a reason why so many people recommend using braindumps. They make things much easier for anyone who is going for a certification exam. One of the main benefits that dump provide is that they give you some important insight regarding the structure of the actual test. Through practice questions, you can learn about the nature of exam questions that you will have to answer, their formats, and their weight in the exam topics.

Another benefit of exam dumps is that every time you take them, you can see your score. Since the questions are very similar to what you will have in the actual test, you can analyze your practice score and estimate the one that you will get in the real one. This is the reason why it is recommended that you take as many mock tests as you possibly can. In this way, you can analyze each score and try to understand where you need to divert your focus. You should keep on trying to improve it so that you can pass your certification exam with flying colors.


If you work as a networking professional, you must be familiar with Cisco. This is undoubtedly one of the biggest companies in the world that specialize in networking technologies and solutions. It also offers a number of credentials that are helping the young and emerging specialists from around the world. Many organizations rely on Cisco technologies to satisfy their networking needs. For this reason, they always need the Cisco certified experts to manage and maintain those networks. So, if you are thinking about taking one of the Cisco certification tests, you need to make sure that your preparation will be thorough. Exam dumps will help you watch out for all the important details.

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