Black Friday & Cyber Monday WordPress Deals 2019
There is a reason why Black Friday is called „black“, and it is not because of the black-eye that lady gave you when you elbowed her to get to that LG microwave last year. Contrary to popular opinion widespread by SJWs and soy-boys, it is also NOT because slave traders gave discounts at their godforsaken auctions on the day after Thanksgiving. No Siree Bob, someone was just evil and deranged enough to create that meme couple of years ago, but just because it’s out there, doesn’t mean it’s true.
Black Friday actually got its name back in 1966, when the Philadelphia Police Department used it to describe the awful traffic jams and crowds in the downtown stores.
So, what you now know as one whole day of crazy-low prices and angry shopping, was pretty much always just that – one whole day of crazy low prices and crazy shopping.
However, it’s not as innocently crazy as it seems. Would you believe us if we told you that there is actually a website that only follows death and injury counts on Black Friday? Well there is, and current count stands at 12 for Black Friday deaths, and 117 for Black Friday injuries for the period from 2006 to 2008. Pshish! On the same note, you do realize that the LG microwave from the beginning of the story won’t get you a new soul, right?
Needless to say, it seems that the best solution is to buy online and to buy smart. Meaning, to shop for the things that you actually need. On the same note, in this complicated spread-love-and-restraining-orders age, it is always good to remember to give something back. You know? The ultimate “Harry Styles” of all approaches. In this case, don’t forget how you got the money to buy that new microwave. Uh-huh.
We’re looking at you fellow-bloggers, web developers, eCommerce owners. Your websites. Don’t forget your websites. In fact, this is exactly the right time to get your websites some new shoes, some new jewelry, and some chocolate candy NOW, cuz your website is your bae, more than your bae will ever be. Shawty earns you money, keeps you entertained on a rainy day and gives a sense of self-achievement no other boo ever could.
So, give something back. Get your bae a new shiny plugin, and not just an ordinary shiny plugin. Straight-up, supreme-quality, best of the best, plugins that will improve, embellish and expand your whole relationship with your website. See, your new microwave won’t save your soul, but a new plugin just might. Except for your Walmart-pepper-spray-lady, you go own with your business.
In this article, we’ll show you plugins, themes, and services you might have missed or haven’t bought because they were a bit too pricey for your budget.
And no, we are not talking about them to be evil, although there is a certain hidden agenda here. Hmmm… *cue the drum solo from “In the Air Tonight”… Some of those plugins will be ridiculously cheap on Friday. Black Friday.
The best thing is, you don’t have to arm yourselves like it’s The Purge: Anarchy! So forget about your spiked toothbrushes, broken beer bottles and Molotov cocktails. This Black Friday you don’t have to end up in the infirmary with your next-door neighbor. Stay at home and do some smart shopping instead. We have a colorful array of plugins that could potentially change your whole life for the better.
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But that’s not all! If you’re looking to get more amazing deals, check out the best WordPress hosting Black Friday deals.
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