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Engage Your Customers and Improve Your Conversions with Buttonizer Plugin

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As the website designs progress, many things are starting to look like a norm. What used to be a popular thing to do just several months ago, now it is outdated. Think back to the first sites, when there were no rules about colors, for example. Remember all those websites that had a black background and shiny red lettering? Horrible, isn’t it?

Luckily, web owners and designers started considering more what their visitors like, instead of their taste. Now, there are some good rules of thumb to follow. White space has become more and more critical, and there are eye-pleasing rules when it comes to typography. Overall, some myths have been debunked, and people started focusing on pleasing visitors.

Besides overall design, web designers started adding some handy elements to each site. Navigation became more simple, for example, so one-pager websites became more prominent. Especially in e-commerce, there has been incredible progress when it comes to features which help you shop online without stressing out too much.

The Curious Case of Buttons

The buttons that appear on the lower right corner of a website to help you with navigating, or for chatting with the support team, have also become a must when speaking of web design. And it is not truly curious if we’re honest. It is just another feature on the site that makes visitor’s life more comfortable and helps with conversion on the other side.

Buttons for online chat support are a perfect example of this useful feature. On the one hand, visitors looking for a solution to a problem on a website can chat with the company’s support or community manager. What they had to search for in FAQ before, they can now ask in person and get answers immediately. This is much more simple than having to wait a week or two to receive a reply to an email with an important question that stood in the way for them making the life-saving purchase.

On the other side, companies can convince the visitor that they have the solution the customers are looking for online. What’s more, companies take advantage of buttons to increase their conversions in many ways. For example, setting a proper and automated greeting message can lead to a quick chat. Chat can do much more in terms of conversion than letting people read the copy, and hoping they will leave their money on your website.

Apart from this chatting opportunity, there is so much more you can do with buttons on your website. Let’s see first how you can effortlessly get the button on your site with a useful plugin. Through its features, you will see all the other opportunities right buttons can provide.

What is the best plugin for buttons?

As said, all you need is an excellent plugin. There is no better plugin than Buttonizer to help you add and get the most out of the button on your website. This plugin takes about 5 minutes to set up, and in return, it offers over 200 click action combinations.

This massive number of potential click actions is significant, as you can’t add a single and same button on each page of your website. You want to make sure that the steps your visitors take on a particular page are relevant to the page itself. The button is always going to be the same and the one your visitors are accustomed to. Yet, it is going to perform in a way that will bring you the most in terms of conversion.

Since many visitors are using their mobile devices to access your website, it is useful to be able to provide relevant buttons for their mobile device experience, too. With Google’s mobile-first indexing these days, this could be the single feature that makes you want to install this plugin and add buttons to your site.

Just this should be enough for you to go ahead and install it! If it isn’t, let’s go through other features you get with this fantastic plugin.

What are Buttonizer’s features?

On their site, you will find that they promise that Buttonizes is the most versatile Smart Floating Action Button for WordPress. This is very much to the point, as it takes about 10 seconds to set up a button and reap the benefits of actions your visitors can take on your website. And is there anything better than engaged visitor on your site?

Effortlessly add a button (or two)

Or, to be precise, as many as you’d like and need. Buttonizer lets you add an unlimited number of floating icons buttons. It will make sure that each of your website’s pages is covered, and your visitors as engaged as possible.

No Coding Needed

You don’t have to be a developer to add, customize, and utilize these awesome buttons. The plugin has an intuitive drag and drop builder to help you add and customize these buttons to where you want them. Don’t worry even if you have never used one of these. The team behind the Buttonizer came up with an excellent tour of their plugin!

The tutorial takes up to two minutes, and you can master this tool as soon as you finish it. So, even if you are a first time user, go ahead and add your buttons. You can restart the tour as often as you’d like!

Four different ways of contact available

As mentioned before, the actions your visitors can take go far beyond the regular chat that you can get with other plugins. With these buttons, you’re not even limited to chat. You can add click to email button or click to SMS if you’d like your visitors to contact you that way.

Furthermore, you can add a click to call button! Just make sure that your visitors are using this button only in time of emergencies. Or, set up a call center to take their calls, as you will be getting much more of them than you expected!

More comfortable with chat?

Very understandable, especially if you come from the “MSN” era and fondly remember the “nudge” option. You can allow your visitors to chat with you via nine different chats with Buttonizer’s buttons!

For example, if you go ahead and decide to add your WhatsApp Chat, all you have to do is add your phone number. You can further set up the custom text for this type of chat!

Your visitors will be able to contact you through their Click to Chat Option. You can work on your conversions via your smartphone while you are on the go!

Adding other ways to chat is possible in no time, just add the needed information to connect to the specific chat channel. You are good to go!

Need them to share?

Having your content shared on various social media can do wonders for your brand awareness. This leads to creating trust with your customers – ultimately leading to more conversions! This fantastic plugin can also help you with that. With it, you can effortlessly add social media sharing buttons.

From Facebook and Twitter to Pinterest and Waze, it has you covered. Make sharing as easy as possible, and enjoy the upcoming results!

Pop it Up

Pop up forms that pop in the middle of your website as your user is scrolling, totally distracting, and frustrating them in the process, are the thing of the past. If you want to feature a popup form on your website, make sure to hide it behind a button. Popup with contact form could be the thing on a particular page or two. This is the only acceptable way to do it without having your users wanting to throw their laptops through the window.

With Buttonizer, you can take advantage of three different integrated pop-ups: Poptin, Elementor Popup, and Popup Maker. Just pick the one you are most comfortable using, and add the least intrusive popup internet has ever seen.

Help Them Navigate

Nowadays, people cherish easily navigable websites. Give them too many options, and they will look for the competition whose website is more on-point, and less confusing. The button can also help you help your users navigate your site.

Use the button on your one-pager, to help your visitors get back to the top of your page. That’s right, remember that tiny “Back-to-top” arrow you can see on some websites? You can effortlessly add one to your site as well with the help of Buttonizer.

For more complex websites, you can hide the previous or next page behind the button. Add a specific URL which should open once your visitors click on it, and you are good to go, and your website is effortless to navigate.

Spice it Up

Yes, the buttons on websites you have seen so far are probably very prominent, and easy to spot. Your buttons should be too! Still, it shouldn’t be too far from your brand’s colors. Otherwise, it would be more of an eyesore to your visitors than a converting tool.

Customizing the style of your buttons is the fun part! With so many styling options, it could be the most time-consuming part, too!

Of course, you can start by changing the button’s color, which you can switch up to be a bit different once visitors start interacting with it. Changing and modifying the border-radius is also another option to help you create a button that will fit your website’s overall vibe.

With so many different things hidden behind these buttons, it is almost mandatory that the icons on the button match them. Luckily, this plugin has exactly 1.534 available icons thanks to the full support of Font Awesome (4.7, 5 and Font Awesome 5 Pro). Pick the one you like the most, and most importantly, the one that matches the action behind the button. If you’d like, you further modify the icon, by changing its size and color.

Add Labels to your Buttons

It is known that people want to know what happens even before they click on something. That is why the texts on every button on any website ever is quite descriptive. If you want your visitors to get even more comfortable clicking on these buttons, you should consider adding labels to them.

Let them know what is hiding under the button. Customize the label’s color, font, and border-radius. If you have a mobile responsive site, you can also opt whether you would like to show it on mobile or not.

Need more actions on the same button? Use menus!

With this awesome plugin, you can create menus which can host more actions at once. While they are hidden behind a single button and are not overly distracting, they can still do much more for your conversions than a single button. This way, you can provide multiple sharing options at the same time, for example, for your users to pick where they want to share your content.

So, once your visitor clicks on a single button, the menu will appear. You can choose several different animations and the way the new buttons appear. If you go with a default action, it will put the buttons on top of each other, for example. If you go with Corner circle, it will open the buttons in the quarter circle. Up to you!

I don’t want them there all the time, though.

You don’t have to have them! Another great feature from this plugin is the fact that you can modify almost everything related to your buttons, even their working hours!

You heard that right. You can set the exact time and period when your button will appear. This is perfect if you want to sleep, especially if you gave your phone number for customers to contact you. They don’t have to see your number on weekends, holidays, and at night – really, nothing is that urgent!

Furthermore, you might not want all of your visitors to be able to contact you, instead just logged users. You can also set this up to ensure that users that are not logged in cannot see specific buttons of your choice.

You can also choose where your buttons are visible. Are they messing up the content visibility on a mobile device? Thanks to the live preview that goes with drag and drop builder, you can see if this is the case, and disable them if needed. Some pages don’t need a button, and that is alright – you can choose which ones deserve it!

Bust your Buttons! There’s more!

You could have been waiting for “integration with Google Analytics”, for example. And yes, it has this useful integration! Especially if you are adding these buttons on your website for the first time you will very much appreciate the ability to track your click actions. This way, you get to know which buttons perform better than others, and if there are any buttons you might want to get rid of.

Another useful feature for the beginners just diving in the world of buttons is drag and drop builder with live preview. Not sure what you are aiming for? Just try it out and see if it works. This plugin will also auto-save and revert changes for you, so any trial and error learning is much more comfortable.

How much for all of the buttons?

The good news is that most of these features you can get for free! Yes, beginners can add the buttons and menus to their website, get almost all of the actions and customizations available completely free.

PRO version, available in four different plans, depending on how many websites you need button-ized, has a bit more features. First, and most importantly, the PRO version (which you can get for as low as $19 per year) offers a bit of more customization options. Furthermore, it gives you the ability to add custom CSS to your buttons and to open JavaScript function. With the PRO version, you can also set up additional filters for when you would like your buttons displayed, which you don’t get in full with the free version.

Another useful feature that you get with the PRO version is the exit-intent popup. If you were looking to reduce your bounce rate, this is how you can do it. Use these exit-intent popups wisely, so that you turn those “I’m going to leave this site” people into “Where is my credit card?” people.

Time to Button It

Overall, if you want to stay on top of the design trends and get more conversions at the same time, you shouldn’t hesitate to download this plugin. Easy-to-use and setup, with quite an intuitive builder, setting these buttons up will take shorter than actual sewing of a single button on a shirt. What’s more, they will look as cute as a button!

Help your visitors get the information they need by providing support or let them share with a single click. Track your button’s progress, and much more, all within a single plugin, with most of the features available completely for free. Well worth giving it a try for an incredible customer’s engagement!

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