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Jump-Start Your WordPress Website with These 6 Actionable SEO Tips


When I started my business back in the year 2012, SEO was new to me. I was a computer graduate who wanted to do something with my life. My first business was an eCommerce store. A store that sends gifts across the USA. Due to the ease of control, I created my website on WordPress.

The website was well-designed, products were up, months went by but we were not getting any reasonable orders. I consulted a friend who owns an eCommerce website for advice.

He straight away asked to work on my SEO. I took three months and learned the basics of SEO and applied on my website. The website started showing up in Google search results.

I would like to share that advice with you. This advice is beneficial for all the new startups and Entrepreneurs out there. A word of caution is that Google keeps updating its algorithm, but the good news is that I’ve managed to keep the tips in simple terms which can generate traffic on your WordPress website and generate some leads.

Fill-Up Your Social Media Profiles

When I first started to use social media, my goal was to relax and spend some time with my friends. But when I created the business profile for each social medium, my friend asked me to establish a brand personality of the business.

Based-upon that personality creates posts that put your brand values out there and try to relate those brand values with the needs of your customers.

On Facebook use local page option to attract the happenings in your area and link those with your business. Use your social media profile on every channel to gain some authority over the social media channel.

Once you’ve gained an authority people will start reading to what you have to say. And once you’ve managed to get the attention of the users, it will be easy for you to sell them.

Optimize the Social Media Updates

My friend who owns a custom web design agency shares the case study of his clients on social media. The Facebook updates, tweets, and even the Pins that he produces are optimized to grab the attention of his customers.

It is vital to share the content that relates to your audience. But, it is also important to keep that content aligned with the values of your brand.

Ensure That Your Links Are Shareable

A key factor in building your SEO is establishing good relationships with the customer through links. When you form a bond with the high-authority websites, it will be easy for your brand to show up in Google search results if your website is mentioned on high-quality websites. In this manner, you’ll be able to bring targeted traffic to your WordPress website.

Of course, the likes, comments on G+ still add value to your brand. If you’re able to create content that is shareable on a couple of social media mediums, you’ll be able to generate traffic on your WordPress website.

Use Pinterest

One sure way to create shareable content is to share it on Pinterest. Pinterest is great for building links and improving your keyword strategy. Google indexes the posts on Pinterest faster than any other medium.

Just add a caption of around 400 characters and write a catching tagline to grab the attention of the users.

This will serve in two ways. First, your brand will be tanked faster in Google SERP, and second, you’ll be able to grab the attention of the user. The best approach is to add the keyword in the title of your Pinterest post.

Additionally, you can personalize your pin’s link & point it back to your website. This will create an opportunity for your brand to show up in search results & take advantage of the power of Pinterest.

Spend 10min’s a Day on G+

We all know that no one loves Google+. But on the bright side, you can use Google+ business page to highlight the products and services of your brand. And the best part is, Google will use those links to enhance the overall ranking of your website.

This will not take much of your time, just 10 minutes a day will help you to create the best of results on Google search page and move your brand away from the clutter.

Creating a Local Listing on Google+ and Facebook

As per Google, 98% of the customers search business on Google maps and work their way through that. In order to show up in the local search results of Google, you can start by adding your business in Google maps. This will add your business to the listings of the Google.

Another way is to add your page to Facebook local business. This is normally adding your business to Bing. If you use Facebook and Google simultaneously it will be easy for you to create a sustainable business on Google search result page.

In Conclusion

To conclude it all. WordPress website is an easy way generate traffic to your website. There are tons of plugins that can help you bring traffic to your website and on the same token improve your SEO with these actionable SEO tips.

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