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Six Tools to Double Your Content Per Month and Boost Your SEO

Six Tools to Double Your Content Per Month and Boost Your SEO

Content is an essential part of running any business online because it can influence your website’s performance. Moreover, the digital population globally sits at around 4 billion, and with that many people online, content can be powerful and great for sales.

However, crafting and publishing content consistently and regularly is challenging. Not only that, but for most content to perform well, it has to tick all the boxes from an SEO point of view too.

With that being said, just as SEO agencies suggest, having specific tools in your digital belt can certainly be handy to help double your content each month while appeasing the search engines at the same time. So, here are six tools to do just that.

1. Happy Scribe

Many businesses nowadays have partial remote working and, in some cases, are fully remote. Furthermore, Owl Labs found 52% of global employees are now working remotely once a week.

So, there might be occasions where your content creations are happening on the move or perhaps are being inspired by others at events or networking opportunities. Also, voice notes are often captured and then later used as data for content.

However, transcribing that content can be time-consuming and costly when done by a human. Technology can do it a lot faster and with fewer mistakes, which is why Happy Scribe is an excellent tool for converting mp3 to text.

Happy Scribe’s mp3 to text converter converts media quickly, allowing your employees to take full advantage of generating content faster. Happy Scribe can also be great for subtitles on videos and generating them automatically. Again, this ends up saving a lot of time and effort that can be spent on creating more content.

2. Grammarly

Grammar is another area of content that needs focus. Also, the higher the quality of content you provide, the more it’s going to appeal to search engines like Google and Bing, whose algorithms decide what ranks on that first page of results.

Furthermore, the quality of the content can be influenced by its length, the use of keywords, and how well it reads to the audience. Google loves long-form content and prefers content-rich sites that are hitting 2000 words and over. However, making sure this long-form content is readable is also very important. Otherwise, the reader will click off the site, and that’s a red flag for the search engines.

Grammarly is beneficial because it can be implemented into your internet browser as an extension. So, whether you’re drafting an email or editing a piece of content on WordPress, Grammarly will address any grammar issues once activated.

The free version offers grammar corrections basics, whereas the premium will look more at sentence structure and more advanced suggestions. As a business, it’s likely an excellent investment to opt for the premium version. Luckily, there’s a team version, so you’re paying a one-off payment rather than doing it per user.

3. Buffer

Drafting up ideas and creating the content is one thing, but having to publish it all at the right time can often use up resources if you have to do it manually. That’s where automation comes in and perhaps is one of the most productive technologies for content creation.

Instead of having someone clicking the button to publish content manually, you can now schedule it in hours, days, weeks, or months before it needs to go live. There are many different tools to use, but one of the most popular ones is Buffer.

Buffer works by connecting to your social media platforms and helping to publish content, whether that’s a tweet on Twitter, a Facebook post to promote a blog or a grid post for your Instagram. It helps manage all the different platforms and all the different marketing elements you’re trying to get into the digital world. Not only that, but it can help you find the best times for your audience and concerning where you are located.

Again, like Grammarly, it’s free to use for the most part, but if you’re looking for a lot more versatility in the amount you can schedule, a premium option is available. Regarding content, you can save your business a lot of time by planning all of your content weeks or months in advance where necessary. It also means your employees can be focusing on other areas that need their attention.

4. Evernote

Providing valuable content to your audience is essential. Moreover, the content you create and provide to those who come across it can educate, inspire and hopefully, convert them to paying customers.

With that said, creating and brainstorming content ideas is necessary to put out content that your audience will engage with. A collaborative space can be helpful if there’s a team of individuals working on content, and Evernote is a good example when looking for a tool to do all of this.

Evernote is used for notes, and it can be a great way of helping an individual brainstorm their ideas or thoughts, whether in an office environment or on the go. This tool may sound pretty basic, but it has plenty of other features that can be great for content creation. These include:

When it comes to content creation, you never really know when inspiration might strike, and so it’s handy to have something that you can store these ideas into for later use. In collaborative environments, this can be a handy tool to have.

5. Canva

Venngage discovered 87.5% of marketers were using visuals in more than 50% of the publishing articles. Visuals can often make content more engaging and enjoyable to digest. Too much text, and you may find your audience switches off, especially if it’s five or more sentences per paragraph.

To keep your audience locked in, Canva can offer great visuals, regardless of how little experience you have with the design. This platform provides everything that a content creator might need, from social media posts to infographics and newsletters.

Moreover, having a tool like Canva can allow you to work on multiple pieces of content at once, and it’s also something that you can have teams access to together. As mentioned, Canva doesn’t require the skills of a professional designer, which means small businesses and start-ups with limited funds will find this helpful.

Also, they’ve got an excellent resource of courses, tutorials, and blog posts for any customer to get full use out of the platform. There are many features of the free platform, and then there are plans available for professionals and teams, as well as for education and non-profit organizations.

Since visuals can add a lot of value and interest to your content, it’s good to use a tool that can create high-quality and impressive imagery.

6. HubSpot

Websites can benefit significantly from blog content because it provides an opportunity to boost the site’s SEO. With regular, high-quality content that’s informative and engaging, it will help move the site up the ranks.

HubSpot offers a variety of software products for marketing, sales, and customers. One of its many useful tools is the blog ideas generator. Such a generator can be handy when you’re after some ideas for blog posts that you can have bulk written and ready for scheduled uploads.

The generator works by simply entering a noun, and the tool will generate several article ideas for you to choose from. It also has an option to unlock more ideas by entering your details. It’s quite a simple tool in its functionality but one that can be highly productive, especially when your writers may have the dreaded writer’s block.

HubSpot, in general, is a great place to find a selection of tools and platforms that can help improve the company’s marketing. It also has plenty of insightful resources when it comes to SEO and improving it through various methods. From its marketing hub to the CMS hub, it’s worth exploring what this company has to offer.

Try Out These Tools to Help Improve Your Content This Year

Thanks to the beautiful world of technology development, many different tools can help with the mammoth task of creating content for a business.

To help boost your SEO and increase the amount of content your team or outsourced teams create, utilize these tools and others you might find helpful. It’ll not only help save time and resources, but it will also keep you ahead of the competition.

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