UserPro Review – User Profile and Member Community WordPress Plugin

UserPro is a premium member community management plugin for WordPress that you can use to upgrade your user profiles and augment your login and registration processes. It is helpful in boosting your online community. It serves to enhance the look of your user profiles to attract more engagement to give users an awesome experience. Let’s understand this WordPress plugin a little better.

What’s It Used For?

UserPro is used to build member community websites, like those that offer e-Learning services. Or a social networking website that connects people with similar interests, like Goodreads, Pinterest or dating sites. It can also be useful for online forums or sites with multiple authors or administrators.

It is basically used for websites that require sign-ups and subscriptions. Any website that asks users to fill a registration form and takes them to a login/membership page can benefit from using UserPro.

And now for its amazing features.

Looks Beautiful

UserPro has a stunning front-end design that’s visually appealing and encourages sign-ups.

UserPro has a stunning front-end design that’s visually appealing and encourages sign-ups. The plugin offers shortcodes to help you create various pages. Shortcodes enable you to decide and create custom layouts. You can choose from a variety of profile templates to display user profiles. You can promote specific users, display new users on the side, or create profile cards. The unique feature of this plugin is the flexibility it offers.

Offers a Lot

UserPro is a very feature-rich plugin that’s the first of its kind in terms of add-ons and offering. Here are some of its special elements:

Login and Registration Forms

Login and Registration Forms

Login Form

Login and Registration Forms

Registration Form

UserPro helps WordPress websites move over boring and drab login or registration forms. This is an inevitability of the wp-admin. The plugin lets you create various layouts of forms to make them more interactive and attractive.

Members Directory

You can create a list of all your members in a directory format, which looks great and makes it easy for new users to browse through existing members. You can style the directory using the Enhanced Member Directory feature to make it more visually appealing.


UserPro integrates with a host of other WordPress plugins for enhanced functionality. Some of its integrations are WooCommerce, Aweber, MailChimp, MyCred, Campaign Monitors Newsletters, BuddyPress, and Feedblitz. These are just some of them! The list is a long one.

Badges and Achievements

You can give your users badges for their progress or keep an achievements log.

You can give your users badges for their progress or keep an achievements log. This feature is commonly used by many e-Learning websites. Awarding badges and unlocking achievements creates a competitive and healthy community spirit. It also keeps members active.

Social Activity Stream

This feature displays all the social activity on your website on one page. Both you and your members can view it. It helps you know what’s going on and keeps users interested with different social activities.

  • Bookmarks
  • Media manager
  • Social wall
  • User tagging
  • Payments
  • User ratings
  • Completing profiles

…and much more. Userpro offers a lot of features for member community building and management; something that isn’t found in other plugins.


UserPro has a strong and credible support team that offers great assistance. This plugin has a good reputation in the market, and the post-sales support system enhances it.

In Conclusion

UserPro is a one-of-its-kind member community builder plugin that aims to transition member-based websites from drab to dazzling. Priced at just $30 on CodeCanyon, we would say that it is a small price to pay for such an awesome and functional plugin. Check out the demos for more inspiration.