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How to Build Traffic and More Profit into Your WordPress Blog

Build Traffic and More Profit

Every blogger who starts with the WordPress, sooner or later, want to increase both traffic and profit from his investment. And, why not? The online world is full of opportunity, and you can reach new heights if you know what you are doing.

In this article, we will show you how to build traffic and more profit from your WordPress blog.

How to Make Profit From Your WordPress Blog?

So, without any delay, let’s get started.

1. Affiliate Program

One of the easiest and fastest ways to get started with blog monetization is to do affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a technique which is used by almost all the online website to gain profits. It works by selling/recommend their items and getting a small percentage of the sale.

The good news is that WordPress is entirely compatible with affiliate programs. There are plugins and services that you can integrate with WordPress, and let users purchase or click through affiliate programs without any difficulty. However, one thing that you need to be sure about is that you need to align your affiliate programs according to your visitors. By this, we mean that don’t sell fashion items on a tech blog.

To get started, you can use any of the following plugins.

2. Sell Digital Products

Many online users love digital products. It can be ebooks to software solutions. For example, there is a massive demand for cooking ebooks. So, if you have a cooking blog, you can sell these ebooks to your readers and earn a reasonable profit from them.

You can approach it in two ways. First, you can write ebooks on your own. Once done, you can sell it for a prescribed amount to your readers. You can also sell other author’s digital ebooks and make a profit from there.

To get started, you can use any of the following plugins.

3. Sponsored Articles

Sponsored content is extremely popular when it comes to content marketing. You can also earn extra cash by letting others know that you accept sponsored articles. It has dual benefits as you will get both the content and the cash as well. However, it can only be done once your website is established and have some authority attached to it.

The best way to approach this is to accept guest blogging slowly. Once you get some attention, place a sponsored articles advertisement on your website. But, beware of bad quality content. Don’t accept content that is bad even if it pays well. Always think long-term for your site and only accept articles that are worth publishing.

How to Build More Traffic into Your WordPress Blog

Now that we have learned how to make a profit from your WordPress blog. It’s time to build traffic. Without traffic, none of your monetization technique will work. So, the focus should be equal on both the aspects. The tips mentioned below will help you to generate and build traffic for a blog.

Let’s get started.

1. Social Media Advantage

One of the easiest ways to improve overall website traffic is to take advantage of social media. Almost millions of users use social media every day. It includes Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. To ensure that you take advantage of users on the platform mentioned above, always focus on a social media strategy that works for you.

We recommend using Buffer App. It is an app that can easily distribute your posts to different social media platforms and that too on a regular interval. Other plugins that we recommend are:

2. WordPress Performance

Website performance is crucial to gain and build traffic to your website. It is tried and tested that websites that don’t load within 3 seconds start losing visitors. Google also takes website loading time seriously and penalize sites that have long loading time.

You can improve WordPress performance by doing a lot of things. To get started, you need to choose a good hosting, install only necessary plugins and also use a free cache plugins such as WP Super Cache. Also, getting WordPress managed hosting such as Kinsta can improve your WordPress performance by a mile.

3. Post Quality Content Regularly

Content always generate traffic. Also, the traffic you gain is directly proportional to the quality of the content that you publish. Visitors want fresh and quality content that can teach them something new.

Quality content should have a right mix of infographic, photos or even videos. Also, it should be easy to read. If you are not sure how quality content looks like, check out websites such as CopyBlogger.

4. Do Proper SEO

There is no substitute for proper SEO. The first step is to optimize your content for search engines. It can be done by writing quality content and doing on-page SEO such as adding H1, H2, and H3 tags. Keyword integration should also be done naturally and doesn’t have to look forced.

To get started, we recommend installing Yoast SEO. It covers everything that you will need to do proper on-page SEO. Other key things that you need to take care of are, internal linking, image ALT tags, related posts and so on.

Read our post about On-Page SEO by Steven Wesley to know more.

5. Engage Users Through Commenting

Another way to improve and build traffic is to engage users. By creating a great community, you are inviting back old visitors and also creating a venue for new users to share ideas. If you do it successfully, your website traffic will grow steadily.


If you are new to blogging and is starting out, it is always a good idea to start slowly and try to experiment what works for you. Always remember content creation is at the core of your website success. If you do it mindfully while keeping the other factors intact, you will not only gain traffic but also make a profit from it.

So, what do you think about the tips shared in the article? Comment below and let us know.

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